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Where are all Liberia's women in public office?

World News

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Where are all Liberia's women in public office?

Source: Okay Africa

Despite being once heralded for becoming the first African country to elect a woman president, Liberia’s political landscape is sorely lacking in its representation of women.

Seventeen years ago, when Ellen Johnson Sirleaf won Liberia’s presidential election and became the first female president of the country, and on the continent itself, there were great hopes about what her feat would mean. In Liberia, people paraded the streets celebrating, while internationally, her victory was reported as a major shift for women’s political representation on the continent. However, over the years, Liberia has not built on this win, and the country continues to see a low number of women elected to public office. Since Johnson Sirleaf stepped down, only three women have run for president.

Click here to read the full article published by Okay Africa on 13 November 2023.

Image by Okay Africa


Okay Africa

Despite being once heralded for becoming the first African country to elect a woman president, Liberia’s political landscape is sorely lacking in its representation of women.

Seventeen years ago, when Ellen Johnson Sirleaf won Liberia’s presidential election and became the first female president of the country, and on the continent itself, there were great hopes about what her feat would mean. In Liberia, people paraded the streets celebrating, while internationally, her victory was reported as a major shift for women’s political representation on the continent. However, over the years, Liberia has not built on this win, and the country continues to see a low number of women elected to public office. Since Johnson Sirleaf stepped down, only three women have run for president.

Click here to read the full article published by Okay Africa on 13 November 2023.

Image by Okay Africa

